Our Mission

Managed by the Mission District Historical Society, Heritage Places aspires to connect and engage people with Mission’s history by acquiring, preserving, and making it accessible to all.

Our Vision

To connect and engage people to make Mission’s diverse cultural heritage meaningful to their contemporary lives.

Our Values

• Cultivate inclusion
• Inspire discovery
• Embrace service excellence
• Be responsible stewards

Our History

In 1994, the Mission District Historical Society established the Heritage Buildings Branch. This department, the third to be established by the MDHS, was later renamed the Heritage Places Branch and works to celebrate and preserve the memory of our heritage buildings, special places, and natural environment. To do this, staff help to bring local history out into the community and perform research that broadens appreciation of Mission’s heritage. We involve citizens and community groups, seniors and youth, students and professionals, to ensure the heritage values of our diverse population are reflected in community living.

Our Staff

• Archivist & Branch Operations Manager – Val Billesberger
• Archives Communications Coordinator – Kyler Garza

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